
Monday, September 13, 2010

Creative Surge 2

I know it's not actually the case but it's starting to feel like I have an infinite amount of inspiration and creativity. I've been working on my art for the entire summer. This is the first time in years I've finished this much work in succession. As an artist I just feel rejuvenated. IPad art is still new to me and I want to tap into every possible thing I can do with it.

Earlier today I was working on a piece for my student. It took me a long time to visualize the concept. What would be an appropriate style for this. I've been using the more painterly brushes in Sketchbook Pro. They gave the piece a childlike look and it worked. Each time I use this program I'm going to experiment. As an artist I have to keep moving forward.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad (Anubis)

Location:Whalley Ave,New Haven,United States