
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Art of the Apps: The Artist

Apps are deeply engrained in not just my brand identity but how I handle my art and my business. This post is the first of a two part series showing the apps I used for my latest self portrait, "Artist vs. Agent." This post is about the apps that are frequently used for my art while the next will be about the apps I use for social media, promotion and knowledge. Most of these illustrations represent the apps I use but ones like Bluecanvas, School of Visual Arts and ECA were done in that style. It not only fit the theme but it also shows my background and how I approach presenting and selling my work. Here are the names of each illustration from top to bottom: Brushes 3, Sketchbook Pro, Procreate, ArtRage, Paper, Bluecanvas, Flickr, SVA, Nomad Brush, Camera, ECA, Eye of The Sun God.