
Monday, October 8, 2012

Art Musings: Branding and Getting Discovered

This week I've been reflecting on where I am in my art career and where I want to be. I'm content but I'm never satisfied. I've made a conscious decision that I want to live off of my iPad Art. For starters I realize that my brand needs some fine tuning. Any type of brand needs to be eye catching, relevant and different. I have had people come up to me lately and just butcher the name of my artist brand, Eye of The Sun God. In a way it's not their fault. The tag I have obscures some of the type. It made sense to design a new, more iconic logo with a slogan as well. I think as artists we want to create what we see in our mind's eye. This can be very difficult but the attempt is worth it. I came up with "Paintings from my mind's eye." This to me means that my potential clients and customers can expect the best product possible for me because I strive to replicate what's in my mind's eye. The logo is comprised of the Eye of Ra and the Sun. Framing it is an iOS style app icon. As a mobile artist it only makes sense. Conveying a clear message is paramount.

The other important thing I have been dealing with is getting discovered. I have had success over the past two and a half years but I'm still unknown. My social media presence improves everyday but I realize that's not enough. One of my coworkers mentioned I should also focus on being recognized locally too. My strategy so far has been to really break into the New York arts scene and have many shows as possible at home and abroad. My art is online and I don't necessarily have to travel to Yorkshire to be in an art show there. On the other hand I think being seen locally creating art is a great way to get recognized. I am a part of City Wide Open Studios this year. I was a little worried about striking up conversation with total strangers about my work but I came up with a new plan. Why not have them come to me instead? I looked over all of the amazing work and then I sat down and just started some life paintings in Brushes. Before I know it people were coming up to me asking things like "What app is that?" And "You can paint on an iPad?" I'm just going to experiment. Social Media is extremely important as an Artist and Entrepreneur but being seen is just as important.