
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Apple iPie: Afterthoughts

Last night was the opening for my one night solo show, Apple iPie: Slices Of iPad Art. It turned out just the way I envisioned it. Getting the projector cable for the iPad was a great investment. My work was shown on the main projector screen, Jeff's (Create 96) iPad and a digital photo frame. My girlfriend, Rose made an amazing iPad Cake (That should show up on her blog at some point.) and Pizza Pasta Salad.

My Mom made Apple Pies that were definitely a hit last night. After illustrating so many apple pies for this show it was nice to actually enjoy a slice. My Keynote presentation went over very well. Each piece was synced to music. My guests got the opportunity to ask me formal and informal questions too. I even showed the YouTube video of the making of the main Apple iPie Brushes illustration. I'm just taken aback by how successful this show was. The Grove and Create 96 really came through. I really enjoyed presenting some of the iPad art I've done in the past year.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad (Anubis)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad (Anubis)